
Pastor: Raul Garcia

Business Administrator: Michelle Moore

Phone:  432-366-4455

Fax:       432-366-4456

Ascent Youth and Praise Team: Rebekah "Becky" Roberts

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Accompanist: Belinda Richey

God is Good! Asbury UMC has been our church home since 1990, and it has been wonderful to raise our children and bring grandchildren here to worship, laugh, and grow.  
My husband Terry and I both grew up in Christian Methodist homes.  We have both believed in and loved the Lord since childhood.
Early in my teens I realized that my favorite way to worship the Lord was through music.  As a high school senior I began playing for church, teaching piano, and singing.  I chose to major in Piano Pedagogy as my degree, and have ever since continued to play and teach. It is still my ministry and Great Joy!  
What a Blessing to see our daughters, Amber and Lorelle, and other students of mine continue in music and teaching.  Praise to God, who loves us so, and has a plan for each of our lives!
In Christ's Love, Belinda Richey
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Director of Children's and Women's Ministries: Sarah Griffin

Serving at Asbury UMC as the Children’s Director has added an abundance of joy to my life over the past 5 years.  I also gather a great deal of joy from my family, especially my husband of 10 years, Cody, and my three children, Jaxon, Ethan, and Camarie.  
I knew from early on in my life that my calling was to serve children and their families, therefore I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with a teaching certificate focused on early childhood.  I continued my education by earning a master’s degree in Educational Counseling.  While being a stay at home mom, I was offered a part time job to serve as the children’s director at Asbury.  It is the perfect job for me because I can pour out love on kids while still having the flexibility to be at home with my own children.   
I am extremely passionate about telling children all about God and his overwhelming love for them.  The greatest commandment given to us by Jesus is to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’.  When we teach children how to love God and appreciate the gift of his son Jesus, we give them a mustard seed of faith.  By encouraging children to develop their faith and grow deeper in their understanding of God’s love they can start truly loving their neighbors.  The children we teach then go into the world and offer glimpses of God’s light and glory for others to see and cling to.  I don’t think there is anything better than experiencing hope for the future through the love of a child.           
In addition to leading the children’s ministry, I am the coordinator for our MOPS group.  Over the last 3 years I have had the privilege of watching God string together the hearts of mothers from all walks of life.  These moms have come together to support one another in times of great sorrow, celebrate each other’s victories and encourage each other to be amazing mothers.  Through this position I get to encourage mothers by reminding them how important their position in the family is and how much influence they have on their children.  Mother’s can be an amazing reflection of God’s love and in MOPS we encourage each other to show that love to our children, husbands and friends daily.

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Nursery Worker: Kim Nowlin

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Nursery Worker: Chris Borkaw

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Custodian: Thomas Ornelas